Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I hide crazy well. people say I dont seem high strung but I just keep it in well. for example, my instructor was surprised when i told her that in panic situations I run around like a headless chicken on speed. serious. hmmm good attribute of a health care worker? i think not.
I'm tryin to keep the craziness hidden from someone in particular though. i breathe, tell myself its one day at a time, but how long will that last?I'm afraid my brain will take over and i'll spew all these crazy-ass, on the spot questions like verbal diarreah cuz i just cant handle things not going the way i think they should or out of fear that they will go horribly wrong and i will have no control over them and eventually go the same way every other situation like this has ever gone--down the shitter cuz i'm just that insecure.fuck.

why Scrubs is my favorite show/favorite quotes:

"I'm going to poo in front of people!?!?!?"

"I'm insane you idiot"

"carla, you know how I'm really crazy? well, it's just gettin hard to hide the crazy from paul."
(very similar to a conversation i had with a close friend tonite)

"oh miss pac-man, i would sex that bow right off your head.........eat those dots you naughty, naughty girl" (guess who said that one matty)