Tuesday, June 27, 2006

mmmmm k...not too deep(today)

today was super fun, i went to the lake with stevie and megan(her sis) and we floated about for like 4 freakin hours.......headache.....too much sun.
so i dunno even what to write about....i think i'm not depressed enough to think of anything deep,emotional/artistic/brilliant---mmm k.....life is soo weird.......i have been feeling better tho these last couple days. i havent posted here since i set this all up cuz i wasnt even sure if i could commit or stick with it or let you all read my heaps of verbal diarreah that make there way onto this blog.......so thats it for today!!!!!!
who knew you couldnt copy and paste to this thing???crazy!

Monday, June 19, 2006

the sheryl introduction

well i've decided that i'm as cool as matt now, so i too should graduate to "blogger.com".
ummm so i totally just grabbed whatever picture of me for this and this is the one i got(turns out its the one i use for everything unfortunately) and i cant figure out how to get rid of it so yah,it's just here.
well i think i want to start this to seriously keep a journal type thing....No More Pretending......because i'm realizing now that A LOT of people dont really now me, and they think they do. and i'm realizing lots of people out there like to pretend they have it all together, or feel they should(including me).that's Not so much the case.this will be way different than anything because it will be the REAL me, not the girl who pretends everything is just great(unless i'm talking to matt or deb....hahaha-they hear it all) this is will be the parts of me who is random, tries to be the best christian i can be, who drinks, smokes,swears way too much when i'm mad, who gets depressed, who deals with an anxiety disorder(at my worst), who wants to be a great person, but realizes my humanity gets in the way(not used as an excuse tho) and................who wants the world (or whoever will actually consider reading this)to know who i am, because i'm tired of pretending and i just dont care.